Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Kitchen Remodel - day 8

Today the kitchen guys, Collin and Lewis, finished painting and cutting the tile to fit around the edge of the kitchen. When I got home after 12 hours of work, I found out that I have homework! I have to pick out grout colors for the floor and the backsplash.

I never thought there were so many colors of grout!!! I worked so late that Jim had to go to bed soon after I got home. I couldn't have picked out the colors without the kids' help. It was so hard to pick with just those itsy bitsy little sticks.

The color for the floor is called "Light Smoke." It kind of matches the darkest color in the floor tiles.

The color for the backsplash is called "Canvas." It's an off-white leaning toward the pinkish side. (As opposed to a grayish-off-white, or a yellowish-off-white, or a greenish-off-white).

I hope we did good! All these decisions are making me a nervous wreck! Even more of a wreck than I am with all the overtime I've been working the last 4 weeks.

I'm ready to curl up with a good book!
Good Night all!


  1. I can't wait to see what color you decided on.

  2. Joni I cant WAIT to see it all together.. I am SURE it is going to FABULOUS!
